Chloe Grealish, DVM

Dr. Grealish grew up in Ontario Canada, and lived close to Toronto for most of her life. From her childhood and into her teenage years, she did a lot of traveling to western Canada to visit family. This was where she met her first horses as a toddler, and eventually where she worked her first veterinary job. She was about 10 years old when, one day while waiting for a riding lesson, she blurted out that she wanted to be a veterinarian. Dr. Grealish has never owned horses, but they’ve been a part of her life as long as she can remember. During high school she was always biking to barn jobs and cleaning stalls to earn leases and riding time at local barns.

Dr. Grealish loved biology and physiology in high school and this interest and her veterinary motivations led to her undergraduate program at the University of Guelph for a degree in animal biology. Upon starting at UOG, she immediately joined the Foal Watch team, which helped foster her love for foals and neonatal ICU care.  She was accepted into veterinary school out of her third year of undergrad, and started at the Ontario Veterinary College the following September. While in vet school she joined many different clubs, including Equine and Surgery club, the latter for which she was vice president and then president, during her second and third year of vet school.  She graduated veterinary school in 2024 with honors and three equine related academic awards, including two Internal Medicine / ACVIM awards.

Outside of the clinic, she loves hiking and outdoor adventuring, cooking up all kinds of different creations, and painting. She plays guitar and works on her French whenever she has a moment. Now and for the last few months, she has been working on a series of paintings from photographs that she took while road tripping through the States last summer.