Urgent Traffic Notice

Full closures on C-470 and US 85

Urgent Notice: Effective Thursday, March 7th, and lasting through Wednesday, March13, there will be no C-470 access to or from US 85, and through traffic on C-470 will be delayed as crews safely demolish the old US 85 ridge over C-470. 

Traffic Impacts:

  • Full closures of C-470 between the US 85 off- and on-ramps.
  • Full closure of US 85 between County Line Road and Blakeland Drive in Highlands Ranch.
  • C-470 through traffic will be rerouted around the interchange via the off- and on-ramps. Significant delays expected.

What can you do?

  • If traveling east or west on C-470, expect delays beyond 20 minutes and watch for trucks entering and exiting the work zone. Consider an alternate route.
  • If traveling north or south on US 85, take an alternate route to access C-470.
  • If traveling regionally, take an alternate route around this interchange.
  • Please watch for crews, heavy machinery and trucks entering and exiting the work zone.
  • Heed the speed limit and avoid distracted driving in the work zone.

Construction Information can be found here

Construction Email: US85improvements@gmail.com